Monday, August 20, 2012

10 Reasons YOU CAN Achieve Your Dreams10 Reasons YOU CAN Achieve Your Dreams

Instead of realizing their dreams, too many people never get started, too busy, instead listing all the reasons why they cannot achieve their dreams.
Things like:
  1. I do not have enough money.
  2. I’m not talented.
  3. I do not have enough knowledge.
  4. I do not have enough experience.
  5. I have failed many times in the past.
  6. I’m not lucky.
  7. Who I am to dream of making such an impact.
  8. …and so on.
They defeat themselves before they even get started!
This is not what you deserve.
So, here are 10 reasons why YOU CAN achieve your dreams:
1. You can because it’s feels great!
“To be able to get out of bed and do what you love for the rest of the day is beyond words.”  John Schroeder
Your dream exists to turn your life into a masterpiece of joy and contribution. Doing what you love and living your life on your own terms are the best things you can do for yourself.
2. You can because it’s YOUR dream
Writer Richard Bach says, “You’re never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.
The dream that is born inside your heart will never exist, if you do not have the power to make it come true. That’s a timeless truth.
Since you have thought about it, then you have an innate ability to achieve it.
It’s so unique that only you can make it true.
3. You can because it shapes your future
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
The world’s movers and shakers are those who believed in their dreams and persevered until they manifested what they have dreamt about.
Envision your dream and see by your heart’s eyes how it can change the world and have a huge impact on so many lives.
4. You can because you can land on the clouds
“I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.”  -Mike Tyson
When you work on your dreams, you will create your best life possible. Even if you cannot reach the stars, you will at least land on the clouds.
5. You can because you are hungry
If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” -Les Brown
Nothing will feed your hunger for making a difference more than pursuing your dream.
It will add meaning to your life and make your efforts worthwhile. It will make you wake up every morning with exhilaration and enthusiasm.
As Les Brown says, “You gotta be HUNGRY”
6. You can because you don’t want to die again
When you cease to dream you cease to live.” -Malcolm Forbes
If you ignore the love and light in your heart, your soul will die of starvation.
Too many people are living, but very few are actually ALIVE!
Following a dream is the only way to start living. When you dream, you become alive. And I do not think you want to ignore your dream and die again.
7. You can because you are a pioneer
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” -Oscar Wilde
You will face criticism, not because you are wrong, but because you are a pioneer.
People are not used to see dreamers who have crazy ideas to make the world a better place.
Most people are so stuck in the rut that they do not believe someone can get out, spread his/her wings and fly high in the sky.
8. You can because you deserve it
Dreams are the touchstones of our character.” -Henry David Thoreau
You deserve to have a big dream and to become remarkable. If you do not leave your mark in the world, no one will remember you.
Living small makes you small and you are born to be great. You have a dream because you have a strong character that strives to live big and be big.
9. You can because there is a problem that only you can solve
Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” -Edgar Cayce
You dream because you have a burning desire to solve a problem or fulfill a need that would make the world a better place.
You are our answer to our most difficult questions. You owe it to us and to the world.
10. You can because you’ve got the courage
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney
All what your dream needs is courage that will nurture it and make it grow beyond all limitations. And you have this courage within you.
If you’re passionate about it, unleash it. No matter what you think or what other people think, YOU CAN.
You can.
You deserve.
You owe it to yourself and to the world.
It’s time to believe in the beauty of your dreams and show the world the promise and brilliance of your legacy.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

The Key to Making Life Unique and Worthwhile

Now the key to make life really unique and worthwhile is to share.  Sharing has a certain unique magic of its own.  Here's what I learned about sharing ideas:

If you share an idea with ten different people, they get to hear it once, and you get to hear it ten times.  So here's part of self-interest for yourself-- getting you even better prepared for the future.  Share ideas.  Share with your family, share with the people around you, share with other employees, share with your colleagues.

When one person shares with another, two things happen.  The audience could be transformed, and so could the speaker.  If you share with someone else, they could be transformed.  You may have dropped in at the right time.  This may be their moment.  They've got three numbers dialed into the lock already, and if you say it well and say it right you'll be the fourth number that they can dial into the lock of their personal experience and the door will come open and there's opportunity they never saw before.  The person who hears could be transformed.

But here's what else is exciting.  The person who speaks could be transformed.  Guess what we're all looking for--transformation for our new life.  The new life tomorrow, the new life this month, the new life next year, the new life this year.

The caterpillar one day says, "I think I was made for more than this crawling on the ground."  So the caterpillar climbs the tree, attaches himself to a leaf and spins the cocoon.  Who knows what disciplined effort it takes to spin a cocoon.  But something inside the caterpillar says, "I was designed for something more than being just a caterpillar."

And then when the cocoon is ready and it opens up, out comes a butterfly that flies away, maybe singing, "I believe I can fly!  I believe I can touch the sky!  I used to be a caterpillar on the ground, now I fly."

I'm asking you to go through such a metamorphosis.  I'm asking you often to go through a period where you say, "New skills, new things are waiting for me," and part of this will come if you'll translate for other people what you feel in your heart and in your soul.  As awkward as your language might be at first, don't hesitate to do it.

Here's what sharing does--it makes room for more.  Key question, if this glass is full of water can it hold any more?  If the glass is full of water, can it hold any more?  And the answer is yes, yes, if you pour some out.  So jot that down.  If you want more, you've got to pour out what you've got, then you have the opportunity to receive more.

Now, unlike the glass that remains the same size when you pour some out; not so in consciousness human beings.  Your capacity will increase the more you share.  You'll get bigger and bigger and bigger.

Now why the self-interest wish to be bigger?  Here's why:  to hold more of the next experience.  Some people can't hold much happiness because they're too small, their thinking is too small, their activity is too small, they're too small in their ability to share, they're just too small.  Can't hold much, they're too small.

But the bigger you get, the more you will receive.  When happiness is poured out, you'll get more.  When joy is poured out on the nation, you'll get more.  When bounty is poured out from the economy, you will get more, if you share what you've got and become bigger and bigger and bigger.

Now some people are not only small, they have their glass turned upside down.  It's hard to get anything in.  But if you come to every situation with an open mind, an open consciousness, ready to receive, I promise you will find the people that will share with you, and that will accept what you share with them.

To Your Success,

Omitola Olushola

Monday, August 13, 2012

366 words short essay on Good Manners

Good manners are very important in life. They make our day to day life smooth and easy. A rich man has a crowd of flatterers around him and a powerful man may be obeyed by people just out of fear. But a man with pleasing manners is genuinely loved and appreciated by all. Good matures help a man to win friends easily.
A man with pleasing manners respects the feelings, and sentiments of people around him. He shows proper regard to his elders, loves his equals and is kind to those who are younger than him. Modesty and courtesy are essential traits of his personality. He is never proud or haughty and he takes great care not to hurt the feelings of other people. Good manners bring sunshine to life. A man with pleasing manners is jolly and gay. He has always a smile on his lips and he is mentally happy. Thus good manners enrich the personality of a man.
Good manners are vital for success in life. Nobody likes a rude person, but good manners endear a man to other. A shopkeeper who behaves rudely with his customers can never flourish in his trade, but one who behaves politely and pleasantly with others attracts a large number of customers. Patients always rush to a doctor who is sympathetic towards them. A leader cannot have a large follower unless he is polite to others. In fact good manners have a magnetic influence over the people.
The primitive people were savage and brutal. They rarely showed any concern for others. They found it difficult to keep their emotions under control. But civilization taught people to be considerate to others. Thus good manners are true signs of civilization.
Good manners cost nothing, but they bring about handsome rewards. When someone says "please" or "thank you" he actually finds himself in the midst of cheerful crowd. When someone is polite and soft spoken, he gets over many difficult situations in life.
Good manner are not, however, born with us. They have to be cultivated with great care. Childhood is the best period to cultivate good manners and so both parents and teachers have a great role to play.


      Step-by-step Guide Compiled

A half-brain 12 years old can do this and make @ least #80,000 in a month. Trust me.

If you are reading this, what a lucky person you are. Enjoy!

Do not be so ignorant and gullible to assume that making money online is synonymous to YAHOO YAHOO. We have genuine and legal ways of making money online
I must say here that this is one of the easiest method I have ever come across in online money making. Perfect for an Internet newbie to make some fast and cool cash without investing so much.
This concept is simple. But, before we get started, we need our means of getting paid from this business.

Liberty Reserve (shortened as LR) is an online payment processor that can be used in buying and selling. In this short step-by-step report, LR will be our means of making money from our business. Once the money is made into our LR account, we can then go and get websites like , and sell our LR to them. In essence, what I mean is this… if you make $200 from this business and the money has been paid into your LR account, all you need to do is just google search “buy/sell LIBERTY RESERVE in Nigeria”. A good number of websites like that buys LIBERTY RESERVE from people will shoot up.

You just contact them and tell them that you have LR for sale and you will have to transfer your LR from your account to their own LR account. If this is done, they will give you the raw cash equivalent to the dollar amount you transfer to them.

Getting started, we need a liberty reserve account. You will have to go to and you will land on the image as shown below. You will have to click on “create account” as highlighted in red below.

After clicking on create account, you will land on the page as shown below and you will need to fill the form as shown in the example below.
1 and 2 are your First name and Surname respectively.
3 is account name. Just put your name there in full.
4 is where you will put your email address.
5 is security question, choose just anyone that you are okay with and 6, is the answer to the security question you chose in 5 above.

Here is the continuation of the above form. At 7, put just anything that you want there.
In 8 below, leave it as it is. Do not touch anything there.
At 9, you will have to enter the numbers that are shown into the provided box.
10, you have to click on AGREE button to continue.

After clicking on AGREE above, you will be shown a next page which is an important page. You have to save this page or find a paper and pen, write out the PASSWORD, LOGIN PIN, MASTER KEY, SECURITY QUESTION AND ANSWER. Keep it in a safe place. It’s your details to access the account.

Immediately you have the above information, you will read there that your ACCOUNT NUMBER has been sent to the email address you submitted while registering.
Just below, I just loged into the email address I used when registering and gbam! Right inside there, as highlighted below, I saw a mail from liberty reserve. I have to click this.

Just then, I saw the account number right in my box. You can see in the example below. That’s the account number, you have to add it to where you kept the other details you got earlier ad keep them all together.

The next step is for you to

login and you will have to input all details as shown below. Remember those records I asked you to keep safe? Yes, we need them now. Pull them out now.

Number one over there is the account number which we got inside our email box after registering.
Input all requested information above and click on NEXT.

This is just a page to confirm the welcome message that you wrote earlier when you were registering. Click to mark the box to confirm that it’s your welcome message and click on CONTINUE.

You will be on the page as shown above and all you need to do is to click on LOGIN PIN as highlighted above. Remember asked you to keep some information the other time? Yes, LOGIN PIN is also in there. Now, we have to consult that document we kept.

Input the LOGIN PIN and click on login.

And next is for us to fill our address information. See the one I did above. I am sure you understand it all. Yes! Do not let ZIP/POSTAL CODE give you headache. Ibadan is 234002, Lagos is 234001. To check for your town/state, just go to and enter a query like, zip/postal code for “your city”. You will see result for your city or else, you might have to just use mine as in above.

And the concluding part of the page is the one above. @ ACCOUNT WILL BE USED FOR… Choose forex/investment as in mine above.
The next is your occupation. Choose the one that best fits you.
Once you are done, click on submit and you will get a message that your account has been successfully created.

Afterwards, all you need to do is to go to and login to your account using the credentials you got the other time which I asked you to keep safe.
Since we now have a liberty reserve account, it’s now time to start making money. But just before we start, we need a starting capital of $15 only. Yes! Just $15 is all that is required and you could be making quite over 100k monthly from this.
The $15 must be funded into your liberty reserve account. What do I mean? You must have $15 in your LR account to get started. How will you get this? You have to go to, or any other place where they sell LR and buy LR from tem. Normally, they sell LR for around #175/ $1 so, it means that if you need $15, you will have to pay them 15 x 175= #2,625 only. But, LR charges around 2% on every transaction. Therefore, it will be advisable that you buy $16 of LR. This will be 16 x 175 = #2,800 only.
This means, to work out what I want to teach you, you must have #2,800 and use it to buy $16 into your LR account. They will ask you for your LR and they will help you to transfer the money into your LR account.
Now that there is money in your LR, the job starts here.

Multiple10$ is the secret place we are going to. You can access it at It’s exactly as the image above and you will know the reason why this is the next big money making website when you read through the home page. As in the arrow above, click on JOIN NOW.
You will be taken to another page as shown above and we have to choose our means of registration/payment. We are paying with liberty reserve so, we have to click on the liberty reserve logo there.

On the next page as seen above, you need to click on pay.
We shall land directly on the LIBERTY RESERVE login page where we are to login into our LR account and make our payment of $15 to become a member of multiple$10.

Next is to input your login details (the details that I asked you to keep safe when we were opening LR account). You have to input the details accordingly and click on NEXT.
Just as I clicked on NEXT, it asked for VERIFICATION CODE . I have to go straight to my emailbox to fetch the code.

I login to my email I used in opening my LIBERTY RESERVE account and fetched the VERIFICATION PIN as shown in the image above.
I have to input it where it was asking for the VERIFICATION CODE and click continue.

You will land on a page like the one above, just click on SKIP.

Here comes the next page, click on the box to mark it and click on CONTINUE.

On this page, just click on LOGIN PIN.
Input your LOGIN PIN in the space provided (you have your login pin in the details I asked you to keep safe) and after that, click on LOGIN.

On the next page, write just anything in the memo box (you might write your name) and next, input your Master Key (you have this in the details I asked you to keep safe ) and click PREVIEW.
This will show you a PREVIEW of the payment you are about to make. You just CONFIRM the payment and you will land on the SIGN UP page.

Once you get to the signup page, just input the details as in above. Your desired username, your email address, your password and your LIBERTY RESERVE account number. Once you supply this, click on SIGNUP.
PLEASE NOTE: immediately under the Liberty Reserve ID, if another box shows ALERTPAY ID, just copy and paste your LIBERTY RESERVE account number there. Do not bother yourself with alertpay since we are using liberty reserve.

After signing up, you will see a page like the one above, click on “click here” and you will have to login to the member area with your username and password.

You will need to input your email address and password to access the member area and get your referral code/link.
Once you are signed up, you will be able to have access to the member area with your email address and password. When on the member area, you will see the kind of highlighted area above. That’s your referral id. You will need to copy this exactly as seen above and keep the link in secret place. That’s the most important thing that we need here.

   This is done, you are 95% set to start making an extra #100,000 from this simple website. I will have to pause here and allow you to go straight away and get a LIBERTY RESERVE ACCOUNT, FUND IT WITH $16, REGISTER AT  and get your REFERRAL LINK. Once you have done this, I will send you the second part of this report which will teach you exactly what you shall be doing to ensure you make at least $500 (#87,500) right into your LIBERTY RESERVE account through

  After reading this, and you have fulfilled all the steps therein, kindly send a mail to  with the TITLE “completed multiple10dollars registration”
And make your referral link the context of the mail. I shall send the second part of this report out to you instantly. Remember, I am giving you this 100% FREE and this can change your financial status for better in the next couple of days.
My candid advice is, take action now.

If you want to be generous for the job I have done here, you may join MULTIPLE10DOLLARS through this referral link.


Friday, July 27, 2012

The Alchemy of Creating Your Reality

To create a new reality, change what you are paying attention to.

Our lives are an aggregate of what we've been paying attention to up until now. There are some subconscious underlying factors, but through awareness, we can alter these as well

I'll provide various focus points as a framework to give you ideas, either beyond what you've already thought of, or, a deeper level of understanding of what you think and feel. You've already begun thinking more deeply about where you're placing your attention, the ball just started rolling, there's so much more (powerful experience) ahead.

THE QUESTION I'm most often asked is: "What do you mean I created this?"  Well, if you're fearful about something in your life or of going forward in some area(s), or you're paying attention to the absence of what you want, you are placing valuable energy into the vibration of that very fear with your thoughts and feelings. That fear or lack will increase, by virtue of your attention to it, and more of it is magnetized to you... until you stop feeding it. Think of your thoughts and feelings as magnets and the physical expression of them as steel.

IT ONLY TAKES LITTLE SHIFTS in attention, deligently practiced, to experience what you really want. Move your attention toward what will serve and support you and your dreams. Once you begin manifesting your dreams, you'll want more, it doesn't stop. That's the nature of life, you, expansion

REALITY (the state of being actual or real) is subjective. [Taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias]. It is a reality that there are many people who live in poverty and it is a reality that despite economic factors, many people thrive financially. Which is true?  Both are true, and everything in between, they are all reality.  There are as many realities as there are individuals

BE IN SYNC WITH YOUR DESIRES: Creating reality is about attending to preferences that are in alignment with what you desire.  You Most all of us have heard the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Isn't that what you're doing when you consistently worry and then wonder why you're not living your dream life? You create your reality either by unconscious default or conscious decision that is what as expression of your authentic self. Since your mind cannot hold two thoughts simultaneously, you may as well start choosing the thoughts and feelings that support your wanted reality.

YOUR ATTENTION IS YOUR RUDDER.  The energy of the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel is your indicator as to where your ship is sailing. With just a few reminders to direct your attention, consciously and deliberately, you will know you are in control of your life. Your life is your universe, your world. What you choose to have as part of your world is completely your part, and how it shows up or unfolds into your physical manifestation is the universe's job. It is absolutely a co-creative process.

THE ABC'S TO EXPANSION®, is a program I created over ten years ago that has been helping my clients to use their minds and bodies, by developing a personal lexicon unique to their individual dreams that help them manifest their desires. With this process they all say they don't get 'lost' anymore.  Or if they do, it's a very short duration, they can get back on track quickly.

HERE'S MY PROCESS: Working with new associations for each letter of the alphabet gives you s a greater framework with which to create more deliberately.  As kids, when we learned the alphabet, A stood for Apple. In fact, all the letters were taught using association with objects, perfect for our age to learn to use associations so we could be on the same page to communicate with others. Thing is, we were never taught how to create our own alphabet, unique and individual. When you create this new alphabet, based on what's going on within you, you begin associating each letter with the state of being that you want to activate. Notice the difference between an object (Apple) and a state of being (Awareness). As the discerning, intelligent and highly creative adult that you are, wouldn't it be to your advantage to redefine those very basic associations you have about your desires (usually associations from others we've acquiesced to) to ones that will help you re-create a life more befitting the life you imagine for yourself?  Of course! Staying sick will not make someone else well and staying poor will not make someone else richer. You can use your creative mind and your ability to feel sensations in your body to your advantage;
play with new associations that will empower you.

HERE'S AN EXAMPLE: I remember when I was in grade school, I had a line in a play that I completely forgot, then I started crying.  I cried a lot for reasons I had no idea. For years, when I thought of speaking in front of people (not just groups, but most anyone in authority), I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach, I had to fight back tears and just felt generally miserable and small. Years later, after I studied and became a Master Hypnotist, I began to see the hidden subconscious programs running behind the scenes. After years of working with other, I realized we all needed our own individual way of handling the upsets and mis-qualified energy that stood in our way.  Hypnosis was great, yet more importantly, my fascination with how the mind works made me ask better questions of myself. I 'cleared' much of my apprehension with speaking in public to sustain my business, but at the time it was purely a survival issue, I had to keep my business going.  So when I realized we all needed our own inner language to expand, I knew it had to start with what we were familiar with. Voila! the alphabet.  Using my ABC'S TO EXPANSION® I quickly saw the benefits.  A little practice and any issue could be transformed.  So with my new expansive 'alphabet,' I transformed all the misqualified energy around speaking and found my true voice.  I may get nervous/excited before I speak, but it feel great.  I went from trepidation to exhilaration... a very good thing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There is nothing more attractive than confidence. If you admire the confidence others exude, here are 5 Steps to "Turn On" your inner confidence so you can exude that confidence naturally in your outer world.

I use the word 'exude' because that's what takes place when inner confidence is strong... it is projected abundantly, it radiates from within and goes outward.  Having the desire for confidence means you have the ability within, it's just currently dormant.

Confidence is one of the aspects of self you already own.  If you're not experiencing it, you just haven't accessed it fully. With this in mind, as you go through the following steps, feel what comes up for you as you allow yourself to access what's already within you.

1. BEGIN WHERE YOU ARE and use what you have. You have thoughts, feelings and the ability to use your mind's eye. It's good news that you want to express the confidence you admire in others. True confidence is knowing how to use your thoughts and feelings to your advantage rather than succumbing to the lower energies that bring up your doubt and negative self talk. When you're not feeling confident, let that be a trigger to change the thought you're thinking to one that gives you a boost.  Practice this, diligently (for even a day), test it, prove it to yourself.

2. REFRAME SELF-SABOTAGE.  When we lack confidence, the feeling is usually an aspect of sadness.  Let's do a little reframing here. When you feel sad, let it be time to use the SADD technique: Suspend All Doubt and Disbelief.  When you suspend your self doubt and disbelief in yourself, you can "act as if" you are confident, this help you to get used to what confidence feels like.  To acat as if is not faking it until you make it; it is literally training yourself. Like physical exercise, your feeling muscles must be exercised to enjoy the benefit. Practicing this SADD technique installs the sensations of confidence in your cellular memory. The more you practice, the quicker you access confidence when needed and soon it will come more swiftly.

3. THINK & FEEL Confidence. Notice how often your thoughts are 'anti-confident'. Simply by virtue of being alive and in any proximity to other human beings, we've learned though many experiences to be critical of ourselves. Our "critical mind" gets in the way and becomes a default mechanism that runs in the background, critiquing and ready to jump on any new, positive thought that pops up by default. The good news is that this can change more easily than you think by using your intention (thought) and sensation (feeling). Intend to be confident in this moment, then notice the sensation of this intention in your body (feeling).

The more you focus your attention on which thoughts you're paying attention to, the easier and more quickly you'll be able to recognize and replace the negative, unsupportive thoughts with positive, confidence building thinking. With your attention, you begin to fine-tune your thoughts in a way that allows only more like thoughts to enter your mind. Each successful thought and feeling builds upon the one before it, it's exponential and expands.

Adding sensations to the mix consciously will speed your ability to access the confidence you want to have. Every time you have a feeling of being 'less than,' are you fueling self-doubt or self-confidence? Feel the difference between can and can't.  "Can't" will stop you in your tracks; "Can" will open you to possibility and empower you.

If you can remember only one experience in your life when you've actually felt any level of confidence at all, activate (focus on) that feeling. If you can't remember such an experience, imagine one and then, "act as if.'  Then keep bringing up more and more feelings intentionally.  The more you feel it, the more you'll feel it, and so will others. You'll soon be the one others are attracted to simply because you've accessed your inner confidence with practice so often that it just exudes from you.

4. SEE Confidence. Using your mind's eye, visualize yourself as confident. Begin collecting confident feelings by practicing seeing yourself as confident. When you use your imagination in this way, your imagination muscle strengthens ~ the more you see a confident image of yourself, the more quickly it matches the accurate view of your true self.  Our minds work in images, so use your confidence images diligently and consistently.

5. 'BE' Confidence.   Confidence is a vibrational expression of what you think, feel, and visualize. Being what you believe is confidence allows you to attract more and more like thoughts, feelings, and experiences to yourself.  Be excited as your newly activated experiences of confidence unfold for you.

After acting on these five steps, with a bit of attention and practice, your confidence will no longer be dormant; through your intention, you will have turned it on.  And sooner than you think, your confidence will be simply another wonderful expression of you that naturally attracts more of the same... with wonderful experiences unfolding.